Entries in Art (30)


Two Chairs Series by Artist Leah Giberson

These archival prints by Leah Giberson say so much in such a quiet way--like they're evidence of awkward conversations that have recently finished. Or the setup for intense talks that are just about to begin.

Images via Supermarkethq.com


Kurt Vonnegut wants to sell you art

Even though I only made it halfway through Slaughterhouse-Five (apologies to my Book Club!), I still would dig it if I had one of these signed screen prints from the late Kurt Vonnegut. It's such a clever combo of literary nerdliness and art geekiness, no?

"Negative Neocon Wallpaper"

"Confetti #24"

"Confetti #3"

"Confetti #4"


All images / websites / content © their respective owners.


Grammatically gorgeous

This afternoon at our unofficial staff holiday party, we exchanged small gifts via "white elephant" --you know, where everyone brings a wrapped item, draws a number, then opens or steals the various gifts from the other participants. (It's one of those party games that's more fun if there's alcohol and/or a large group and/or a few tacky gifts involved.)

The gift I brought? An un-tacky version of "The Elements of Style" by Strunk and White (the one illustrated by Maira Kalman, who also designed one of my favorite kids' books). It's the kind of book I jump up and down for--not only is it a great reference on writing, but it also contains delicious art that I'm tempted to rip out of its binding, slap in a frame, and hang on the wall.

I've been experiencing that same "elements of writing as art" feeling all week, actually--especially toward the House Industries type foundry. In fact, the feeling has kept their website up in my web browser in an open tab for the past four days. And I just can't close it because I just can't get my fill of these:

PLINC Buffalo A Large Print: $35

(Awesome, because I collect the letter A. And I'm thinkin' I might need to add this one to the collection.)

Small Ampersand Pillow: $45


Maple Emperor B Print: $80

Neutraface No. 2 Asterisk Print: $35


Large Ampersand Cutting Board: $110

All images / websites / content © their respective owners.




P.S. The hottest, most-stolen gift at our party? The voluspa seasons candle tin from Anthropologie (seriously, like five people were coveting it). And I am happy to report that I ended up as the proud owner of this adorable and appropriately writer-ly Thomas Paul Pencil Cup. (Thanks, SM!)


6 Perfect Art Books About New York City

Here are six art books on the city that your bookshelf will battle your Kindle to the death to own. FIGHT!

1. The City Out My Window: 63 Views on New York by Matteo Pericoli

2. New York, Line by Line: From Broadway to the Battery by Robinson

3. Along the Way: MTA Arts for Transit by Sandra Bloodworth & William Ayres

4. Manhattan Unfurled by Matteo Pericoli

5. Manhattan Within by Matteo Pericoli

6. A Year in New York by Elisha Cooper