Entries in Jewelry (4)


Daily Dash: Lagoon Necklace by Emily Green

— Colorfully cute. —


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Atelier Shinji Ginza: Japanese for "lovely-cool"?

Because my job is what it is, I had to search the term "hook" today for a project. And what initially began as detour into old-timey fisherman's hooks (they're so rad and dangerous!) ended up leading to this (nice; also awesome) and then finally to this: a funky-fun Japanese shop called Atelier Shinji Ginza.

With jewelry inspired by everything from chocolate and macarones to potato chips (POTATO CHIPS) and okra (OKRA, ya'll), this store couldn't help but make me a little curious (and also hungry, but that's nothing new). I had a hard time figuring out which were my favorites, but the above is what I narrowed it down to. Dig it.

Also, why does everything always seem slightly cooler in Japan?


Necklaces by Kristina Klarin

Anyone who is around me on a regular basis these days knows that I am currently OBSESSED with necklaces by Kristina Klarin (so much so that I even interviewed her yesterday for my latest "Playlist" post for Herman Miller). I can't tell you how many compliments and comments I get when I wear one of the, er, four pieces I've already bought from Kris (I know--I totally overdid it).

Kris is based in Milan and also has an amazingly inspirational blog called Kris's Color Stripes. Go visit! Now!

(They even come in cute reusable bags.) (Come on! I clearly needed all four of these!)


Sorry, O'Charley

With all due respect, I could care less about St. Patrick's Day. Green beer, people pretending to be Irish, crowded parades, "they're after me Lucky Charms" jokes? Yawn.

More important, my pale, pasty-white skin (probably a gift, in part, from my good ole Irish ancestors) looks terrible in almost any shade of green. And that's why I am dedicating this St. Patty's post to a current favorite (and more flattering) color combo: navy and apricot.

Enjoy. And top o' the mornin', ya'll.

Image sources linked above