Entries in monkey (1)


Shops to Bookmark Immediately: "M" Edition

Marvelous merchants that motivate me (and my money) massively:

1. Muhs Home

So far, it's my favorite find of 2012. (You know, all 16 days of it.)

2. Mooch

Come on. It's called "Mooch." That's worth a click alone (as does their 16p Stamp Rug).

3. Monkey Business

Fun, affordable finds that at first feel familiar, but upon closer inspection, are actually pretty unique (theirs is the "Geppeto" pencil sharpener above, second from the left).

4. Mojoo

Because shops from Denmark never let us down, you know?


Image sources (left to right) : Muhs Home, Monkey Business, Mooch, Mojoo