Entries in brooklyn vs. manhattan (1)


For some, the choice is easy.

I can never quiiiite get a good enough picture of this--mostly because I end up looking like the crazy camera lady spending way too much time in the suspiciously smelly subway-station elevator--but it's one of my favorite details in all of NYC subway-dom.

It's in Brooklyn's Borough Hall station in an elevator that runs between the uptown and downtown platforms for the 2 and 3 train lines. I've never seen anything like it anywhere else in the city.

I just adore how two seemingly innocent elevator buttons quickly simplify the eternal "Manhattan vs. Brooklyn" debate. I mean, in this case, you gotta make it quick. And you better be decisive. Because brother, the train is leaving the station. And it doesn't care whether you're on it or not.

Ya'll know which button lights me up. But which one do you push?