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5 things I'm learning while my Internet is down

1. Doormen begin to look very haggard and very frightened when they work in a apartment building containing 320 units filled with very haggard, very scary people who've had no Internet access for three days (and counting).

2. I shouldn't have gotten rid of my radio. My morning routine is not my morning routine without the smooth voice of Soterios Johnson reciting the day's news to me on NPR's Morning Edition on wnyc.org. Oh! Soterios!

3. You have to have a passcode when you have to call your bank instead of dealing with them online. Like a fancy alphanumer-whatever one. What? Whatever happened to just using my mother's maiden name? And are they secretly dissing my mom?

4. My pens still work. So do my stamps. And the envelopes! They're like magic!

5. The Internet works just fine here at the office. And sometimes, even though you feel kind of guilty about it, you may still have to post to your blog from work. Especially when it's to share some cool news: Herman Miller interviewed me for their blog post today! Check me out here.

(And please don't fire me, ya'll.)

Reader Comments (4)

How cool! My dad used to work for Herman Miller for many years! :)

February 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermandie

Mandie--I bet your family has some fabulous pieces! How fun. Is he a designer?

February 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermdashing

always have a radio and a flashlight. i am a geek i know but here is a link to something i want, which is both.


great write up over on herman miller! and fun to see photographs of your space.

February 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermichele

Michele, I am totally scoping that out--perfect.

Thanks for the checking me out on Herman Miller! Hope things are well on your side of the world...

February 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermdashing

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